From Free US Now:
We have lost 12 more people because they are not McCain supporters, but we gained 9. Again,
we did not start out this way and I never suggested we we end up Republican not now or ever.
So we are down 17 and up 9, and none of them are Republican or came to us for McCain & Palin !!
We are and always were Nobama’s. We are and always were Pro Hillary she is still our choice
but she was not and will not be the DNC’s. We are and always knew we could not and would not
support Obama and we stayed NOBAMA after June 3 . Those are the facts !
So let me tell you about Sept. 27th and what the DNC has planned! If you think they are done
stonewalling the people who are clinging - that’s right clinging to their party for dear life - let
me fill you in on how they plan on breaking your democratic hearts one more time. I have
heard it from the state party chairs them selves that the DNC has broken into the Hillary
National Delegate Google Groups to spy and find out which state leader/delegates are still
secretly holding on to Hillary and warned to come on board for Obama or loose funds to operate
in their respective states. Dean is still pulling his totalitarianism tactics in order to control us.
The 50 state party chairs were told to twist arms to get Hillary delegates to switch
to Obama or lose funding on 9/27 from Howard Dean for the '50 state strategy' and
paying for field workers in the states.
Why? Why do they need delegates at this point to swear allegiance to Obama? Why do they
spy on them and demand they leave these groups? Why do they need this total and complete
commitment almost cult-like? There are forces within the DNC that need to be met with a
greater force. At this point we only have one tool available to stop Obama in November!
If this is how the Obama Democrats run things during the campaign, what can we expect
from them when they have control over the White House, The House, The Senate and The
Supreme Court as well as what should be our fourth branch of government checks and
balances, The Media. No thanks - I will take my chances with at least the top two positions
staying out of the hands of corrupt power hungry Obamacrats who leave us no choice.
I could be wrong but I would wager 4 more years in hopes of another shot at getting Hillary.
I would gamble that this defeat may teach the DNC that we mean business and the
DNC may, in order to get back into power - give us the candidate that can and will turn this
country and yes this party around. I am willing to take that chance. I am not willing to elect
Obama- I am not willing to succumb to the DNC and give my vote and fall to this trickery. NO
There are only 2 candidates left standing and it is either Obama or the other guy. The DNC
knew this when they took away our rights - they knew we may not fall in line - they knew
we were not Lemmings who sat and followed like robots yet they tried to turn us into Obots -
well - it did not work- did it?
We know if we allow the DNC to get away with this- we will have enabled them and given
away more than we can afford to. So folks - I repeat do we really have another choice? The
other team lucks out again but only for 4 years. Sarah is quite a gal but up against Hillary she
doesn’t stand a chance and imagine what 2012 will be like when WE the Real Democrats, WE
the Puma’s, WE the People - Just say no Deal in 2008 and then WE the people run not one but
TWO WOMEN in 2012 for the Highest Office in the World!
What better way to pay back both these parties then to run two women in 2012 and the only
way to do that is to put Sarah in as VP now and Hillary in as POTUS in 2012! Free US Now
We do not have to support the Republicans or their platform - we don’t have to get in bed with
them - No we don’t - McCain the maverick is at least the least conservative of the bunch and
Sarah while very conservative is at least a woman. Can we hold our noses? I can - I will and I
hope some of you can too! I know many of you will vote down ticket - good - but be sure that
you vote out incumbents when you can and vote in a newcomer if possible - we need to throw
the bums whenever possible.
Please consider what is at stake here- take out the man who stole our party and cheated - lied
and strong armed our girl right out of her rightful place in History. Obama and the DNC must
pay. They must pay for cheating Democracy - for sexism, for racism and we must take our
country back. Make no mistake we must vote down ticket to prevent the other party from
free reign. We have to stop the Dems and teach them who the owners of this country are and
we have to get behind McCain to do it - like it or not. Thanks to the DNC who refused to listen
to the people or count our votes - let us not gift them with our vote.
This is Chicago Style Politics at its very worst. If we are going to have the same thing- let’s not
tolerate it from our own party. Let’s not be forced to become what we hate. Once we allow this
into our party we are stuck with it in both parties forever- we can not allow this to happen - not
in our America. Let’s save this party from itself so in 2012 we can rise again. Free US Now!
“Who is Mr. Obama? He has told us who he is through his record and deeds: a liberal politician who
will abandon all his principles at the drop of a hat in order to be elected. This is not new or fresh: It is
precisely the "failed policies of the past" that he brilliantly identified, but cannot surmount.”
~ Washington Times Sunday, September 14, 2008
Remember what the Rules and By-Laws Committee did in on May 31- they took Hillary votes
and delegates away from her and gave them to Obama. I would not put it past them to give him
votes that are not his whether left blank or written in for Hillary. Do you doubt it? They took
votes given to uncommitted and handed them over Obama what makes you think they would
not do that again? Do not give them that opportunity again.
PLEASE do not leave the top blank
PLEASE do not write in Hillary
PLEASE do not stay home!
You must vote and your vote must make Obama steal two votes to overcome your vote!
EDITORIAL: A debate Obama cannot win
Barack Obama's campaign for the presidency is faltering mostly because he misrepresented
himself to the American people. He promised new and authentic politics; unity and bipartisanship;
and reform of Washington. He touted his impeccable judgement — as evidenced by his early
opposition to the Iraq war and the surge. He thus set the terms of the election debate. Yet the
very terms he established are the ones he cannot win with. His record simply does not correspond
to his rhetoric.
Read the full story here:
Ask Steve Schmidt
Steve Schmidt is senior advisor to John Mc Cain and he will take your questions Wednesday
Sept. 17th on Plains Radio- 7 pm- 8 pm Central -- Call-- 888 447 0270
Obama only talks good game on gender pay equity
11 September 2008
"Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work," Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver:
"I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."
Obama's campaign website is even more specific. Under the heading "Fighting for Pay Equity," the women's issues page laments that, "Despite decades of progress, women still make only 77 cents for
every dollar a man makes. A recent study estimates it will take another 47 years for women to close
the wage gap with men at Fortune 500 corporate offices. Barack Obama believes the government
needs to take steps to better enforce the Equal Pay Act..."
Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make.
Anyone care to comment on why he pays his female staffers less and then McCain, no one reports it
even as his speech claims one thing while he does another? Read the full story including how some of his staff left his employ to work for McCain at a higher pay then go to my blog to comment:
Read full story then blog:
Riverdaughter blog has must read:
Obama appears to use US soldiers as pawns to win the presidency
Posted on September 15, 2008 by garychapelhill
Then come back to our blog and tell us what you think:
How Nobama?
There was a conference call last night. PUMA’s - Just say no dealers- No We Won’ters - C4m’s-
RealDems - FUN ( that’s us) and many from up to 250 some odd other groups. Everyone is all
upset about how to go about not electing Obama. We could not agree- we could not agree! We are Democrats and we have been through s much this year that to ask us now to support Republicans
openly - for some - is just the very last straw!
Many will vote McCain /Palin easily, some only kicking and screaming, some will pull the lever
Nov. 4th. but they do not know it yet and some will pull it at the very last minute but will surely
run straight home and scrub their hands till they bleed. Some will vote third party, some with leave
it blank or write in Hillary and risk the DNC counts them to Obama, some with do the unthinkable.
This is what our party has done to us! It had us in disarray last night it has us loosing a few
members but it has not taken away the one thing we all agree on. It is NOBAMA still. I honestly
believe a vote for McCain is the only solution but I will give you this- after deep soul searching I
have come to the decision that I will not use my site to openly endorse nor raise funds for McCain.
I own my vote and I will cast it in protest against Obama and for women’s rights to be treated fairly
and to be able to run for the highest office without fear of sexist attacks. I will not back away from
Sarah’s right to her choices. I will continue to offer my reasons not to support Obama and why we
need to vote to resist electing him.
As a result of last night’s conference - a new blog was started to assist folks who do want
information on ways to defeat Obama or support Mc Cain.
Obama & ACORN on Notice: McCain-Palin Launch Anti-Fraud Initiative
September 16, 2008 by texasdarlin
Visit our friends at Texas Darlin for this story then come back and leave some comments with us too!