PUMA in WA will unite together!

PUMA stands for "People United Means Action!" You may know that there is another, more defiant meaning for the acronym P.U.M.A. There will be no unity in the Democratic party until the voices of the 18 million voters who support Hillary Clinton are heard and heeded.

We are motivated to action by our shared belief that the current leadership of the Democratic National Committee has abrogated its responsibility to represent the interests of all democrats in all 50 states. They are misleading our party and aim to mislead our country into nominating an illegitimate candidate for president in 2008. Our goals are fourfold:

1. To support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2008 / 2012.

2. To lobby and organize for changes in leadership in the DNC

3. To critique and oppose the misogyny, discrimination, and disinformation in the mainstream media, including mainstream blogs and other outlets of new media

4. To support the efforts of those political figures who have allied themselves with Hillary Clinton and who have demonstrated commitment to our first three goals

DAILY Rasmussen Poll:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama attracting 49% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Make CNN Retract

 Posted at mccainindependents.blogspot.com, reposted here to share:

In last nights CNN broadcast Cambell Brown, Jeffery Toobin, and others called the McCain campaign’s ad about Senator Obama’s support for a bill for ‘comprehensive sex education for kindergarteners’ a lie. One problem, they’re wrong. The text of the bill states,
"Each class or course in comprehensive sex education in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV."
They repeated the Obama campaign’s explanation that the bill was about ‘inappropriate touching’. Second problem, the bill is not about ‘inappropriate touching’. Byron York of National Review researched this bill and provides and an explantion along with the text of the bill in his article On Sex-Ed Ad, McCain is Right. However, when this article was brought up during last night’s CNN broadcast it was dismissed.

CNN didn’t do their homework and they should appologize and retract their statement that the McCain campaign lied.

Contact CNN and demand a retraction.
Cambell Brown/Election Center Feedback Form
Report an error/Headline News feedback form

Make CNN Retract

Obama and the Logan Act: the invisible scandal

Text of the Logan Act
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).

Ah, nothing like a major scandal about a presidential candidate to get the media swarming like killer bees, right?  Apparently not if that Candidate is Barack Obama, who is clearly in violation of the above referenced law and subject to prosecution.  He has tried on two separate occasions to delay the negotiations of troop withdrawals from Iraq in order to gain politically in the upcoming elections.
And in case you were wondering, the Logan Act does apply to members of Congress:

In United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp.(1936) , a case that often has been cited in Logan Act prosecutions, Justice Sutherland wrote in the majority opinion: “The President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is powerless to invade it.”

Here is a rundown of the major pieces of the puzzle:

Amir Taheri reports in the New York Post that Obama met with Iraqi officials and tried to stall an agreement to withdraw U.S. troops until after the election.

The McCain camp immediately responded here, asking reasonable questions.

Shortly thereafter the Obama camped nuanced the event.  They claimed that Obama was merely interfering with negotiations regarding the Strategic Framework Agreement, which by my reading is still a violation of the Logan Act.  Still, that places him as less of a hypocrite since the Strategic Framework Agreement does not concern bringing the troops home, but focuses on the long-term presence of military bases in Iraq.

One problem is that it isn’t true.

In fact, Obama is on the record prior to his trip to Iraq as contacting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and arguing that he thought that “Congress should be involved in any negotiations regarding a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. He suggested it may be better to wait until the next administration to negotiate such an agreement.” This was reported by NBC and can be tracked here.
This earlier event not only contradicts the current Obama camp nuance of the scandal but is, in itself, a violation of the Logan Act.

So where is the swarm of scandal-loving reporters?  Alaska, maybe?  Fact checking a McCain ad?  Annointing Obama’s feet with oil?  It’s safe to say those activities are taking a lot of their time, so I can understand that they haven’t gotten around to this yet. Searches on the websites of ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN turn up no stories on the issue at all, and The New York Times buries the story in a blog post critical of McCain and the economy.

It is up to you.  It’s not good enough that this is being discussed on blogs and conservative talk radio.  This has to get out there, and the media will not push it, will not even mention it.  We need a person to person, grassroots campaign.  Send emails to your mailing list buddies and ask them to pass it on.  You can copy and paste our article, with or without credit, and use it if you like, or search Hot Air or Stop the ACLU for different material.  The National Review Online and many conservative blogs also are covering the story.  It doesn’t matter how you do it.  Just join the fight to get this information out there.

Paul Zannucci
American Sentinel

Obama and the Logan Act: the invisible scandal

Text of the Logan Act
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).

Ah, nothing like a major scandal about a presidential candidate to get the media swarming like killer bees, right?  Apparently not if that Candidate is Barack Obama, who is clearly in violation of the above referenced law and subject to prosecution.  He has tried on two separate occasions to delay the negotiations of troop withdrawals from Iraq in order to gain politically in the upcoming elections.
And in case you were wondering, the Logan Act does apply to members of Congress:

In United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp.(1936) , a case that often has been cited in Logan Act prosecutions, Justice Sutherland wrote in the majority opinion: “The President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is powerless to invade it.”

Here is a rundown of the major pieces of the puzzle:

Amir Taheri reports in the New York Post that Obama met with Iraqi officials and tried to stall an agreement to withdraw U.S. troops until after the election.

The McCain camp immediately responded here, asking reasonable questions.

Shortly thereafter the Obama camped nuanced the event.  They claimed that Obama was merely interfering with negotiations regarding the Strategic Framework Agreement, which by my reading is still a violation of the Logan Act.  Still, that places him as less of a hypocrite since the Strategic Framework Agreement does not concern bringing the troops home, but focuses on the long-term presence of military bases in Iraq.

One problem is that it isn’t true.

In fact, Obama is on the record prior to his trip to Iraq as contacting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and arguing that he thought that “Congress should be involved in any negotiations regarding a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. He suggested it may be better to wait until the next administration to negotiate such an agreement.” This was reported by NBC and can be tracked here.
This earlier event not only contradicts the current Obama camp nuance of the scandal but is, in itself, a violation of the Logan Act.

So where is the swarm of scandal-loving reporters?  Alaska, maybe?  Fact checking a McCain ad?  Annointing Obama’s feet with oil?  It’s safe to say those activities are taking a lot of their time, so I can understand that they haven’t gotten around to this yet. Searches on the websites of ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN turn up no stories on the issue at all, and The New York Times buries the story in a blog post critical of McCain and the economy.

It is up to you.  It’s not good enough that this is being discussed on blogs and conservative talk radio.  This has to get out there, and the media will not push it, will not even mention it.  We need a person to person, grassroots campaign.  Send emails to your mailing list buddies and ask them to pass it on.  You can copy and paste our article, with or without credit, and use it if you like, or search Hot Air or Stop the ACLU for different material.  The National Review Online and many conservative blogs also are covering the story.  It doesn’t matter how you do it.  Just join the fight to get this information out there.

Paul Zannucci
American Sentinel

Top Clinton fundraiser backs McCain over Obama

WASHINGTON - A top Hillary Rodham Clinton fundraiser threw her support behind Republican John McCainon Wednesday, saying he will lead the country in a centrist fashion and accusing the Democrats of becoming too extreme.
"I believe that Barack Obama, with MoveOn.org and Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean, has taken the Democratic Party — and they will continue to — too far to the left," Lynn Forester de Rothschild said. "I'm not comfortable there."
Rothschild is also a member of the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee. She said she would be stepping down from her position on the committee but will not switch political parties.
She praised McCain for working with Democrats to pass legislation and for standing up to President Bush on the Iraq war.

"I just ask, who has Barack Obama ever stood up to? And that troubles me a lot," she said.
Rothschild also disputed Obama's argument that a McCain administration would be an extension of Bush's presidency. Democrats cite McCain's own account of having voted in support of Bush's policies 90 percent of the time.

She said the Arizona senator has broken with Bush to support funding for stem-cell research and to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

"It is the classic cheap shot. Just not true," she said.

Rothschild said she was also excited by the prospect of a woman being in the White House, even though she and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin disagree on issues. The Alaska governor opposes abortion except in the case of a threat to the mother's life. Rothschild said she supports abortion rights.

"I believe that the McCain-Palin government will be a centrist government," Rothschild said. "It's not going to be an ideological government."

Rothschild is a member of the DNC's Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York. She was one of Clinton's top fundraisers, bringing in more than $100,000 for her presidential campaign. She built a multimillion-dollar telecommunications company before marrying international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.

Rothschild said she has not discussed her support for McCain with Clinton.
"I'm sure she is not pleased with what I'm doing today," she said. "But you know what? I have to do what I believe in."

The Problem with the Media's Palin Coverage - Robert Tracinski, TIA Daily

Gibson's substantive questions to Palin had an annoying habit of stating "well documented" facts supposedly contradicting Palin's previous statements and then inviting her to "clarify" the contradiction. Not all of Gibson's facts were accurate, but the phrasing of the question had a clear meaning: prove you're not a liar. And when Palin would give a perfectly clear answer to a question, Gibson would follow up with: "I'm still not clear..." and ask it again. His subtle message: she's evading and not answering my questions.

Again, this is only a sample. It is clear that the press wants their man Barack Obama to win--and as a result, they have obscured rather than illuminated our attempt to make an objective assessment of who Sarah Palin is, how she thinks, and what she stands for. And as I have pointed out, the worst consequence of this transparent bias may turn out to be that the press has destroyed the credibility it would need to make valid criticisms of Palin.
(Click here to read the full article)  

Barack Obama and White Privilege - John Stossel, RealClearPolitics

"I grew up in segregation," Steele told me. "So I really know what racism is. I went to segregated school. I bow to no one in my knowledge of racism, which is one of the reasons why I say white privilege is not a problem."

Steele claims, "the real problem is black irresponsibility. ... Racism is about 18th on a list of problems that black America faces."

Whites' preoccupation with guilt and compensation such as affirmative action is actually a subtle form of racism, writes Steele in his book "White Guilt". "One of the things that is clear about white privilege, and so many of the arguments for diversity that pretend to be compensatory, is that they advantage whites. They make the argument that whites can solve [black people's] problems. ... The problem with that is ... you reinforce white supremacy. ... And black dependency.
(Click here to read the full article)  

What States Are Really in Play? - Richard Baehr, American Thinker

The McCain convention bump seems to be subsiding, and the tracking polls suggest the national race is back almost dead even. Part of the recent movement may well be attributable to the financial crisis gripping Wall Street, and the fact that for not the first time, a sensible McCain statement on the economy is being distorted by Obama and his many media flacks as evidence that the Arizona Senator is out of touch....
Many of Obama's once-targeted red states are now safely in McCain's corner. These include Montana (3), North Dakota (3) Alaska (3), and Georgia (15). North Carolina (15), Indiana (11) and Missouri (11) do not look too promising for Obama either. Of course, if the race breaks hard for either candidate in the last month, such that the current near-deadlock in the national popular vote becomes a 5% or greater margin of victory, then some of the second tier targets may come into play. But they won't matter. If Obama opens up a 5% national lead, he will win Ohio, and Virginia and Colorado. If McCain opens up a similar sized national lead, he probably wins Michigan and Pennsylvania. Neither candidate would need any other states from the other party's column -- these would amount to gravy, allowing the winner to claim a mandate.

The race is close to a national tie in the popular vote, in the number of safe electoral college votes for each side, and in the number of tossup electoral college votes that are blue or red. We have in other words, a 50-50 race.

That situation is markedly better for John McCain than his prospects have been for most of the year. He has not won, but he is very much in the game. The debates, the fallout from the politically motivated investigation in Alaska, and the luck of the draw -- what makes news in the weeks before Election Day -- will determine the outcome of the race.
(Click here to read the full article)   http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/09/what_states_are_really_in_play.html

Losing it - Micheal Weis, Weekly Standard

As bellwethers of liberal demoralization about this election go, I've not yet come across anything so clanging as the following comment from Hannah Rosin, responding to the phenomenon of Sarah Palin: "One of my many depressed Obama-supporting friends suggests a tidy solution: Repeal the 19th Amendment." That would be the one that extends the franchise to women, and the point was driven home by the forum Rosin chose for relaying this morose alternative: the XX Factor feminist blog at Slate. I'll save you the trouble of searching out any black conservative's anguished recommendation that the 15th Amendment be put on hold until after John McCain is elected.

Yes, it's rather moonlight and self-pity in Democratic circles now that the prospect of an Obama administration may not be the certainty it seemed only weeks ago. "There is a growing sense of doom among Democrats I have spoken to," the Financial Times quotes a party fundraiser who formerly supported Hillary Clinton. "People are going crazy, telling the campaign 'you've got to do something'." Evidently, even congressional candidates from Obama's party have taken to distancing themselves from him and declined also to attack John McCain. Perhaps most telling of all was the banal and tepid remark from Bill Clinton, taken by Michael Crowley at The New Republic to be inspirational, that Obama would still win "pretty handily."
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article) 

Obama Sidesteps Reform in Illinois - Dennis Byrne, Chicago Tribune

For those of you who still cling to the fantasy that Barack Obama is "about change," you should note how he, or his minions, want nothing to do with reforming politics in Illinois, perhaps the most corrupt state in the Union.

"Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has fought for open and honest government," proclaims his campaign Web site. Apparently, no longer. When the Democratic presidential candidate--now his party's industrial-strength voice for our deliverance from political corruption everywhere--was asked by a reformer if he would help get his political mentor back home to get off the dime and move the most minimal of state ethics legislation toward passage, the Obama campaign sent word back that amounted to a "no."
(Click here to read the full article)  

Breaking: Using the most recent state polls it's McCain 279, Obama 250

By using the most recent state polls, as reported on Real Clear Politics, and giving Obama the benefit of the doubt in two states where he is tied, John McCain would win the Presidency with 279 electoral college votes to Barak Obama's 259.  Real Clear shows Obama with an eight electoral vote lead when leaners are included, but they are using poll numbers in some instances that are as much as a month old.

The 279 total for McCain includes a win for him in Virginia,  and a win for Obama in Pennsylvania and Minnesota.  Although, the most recent state polls in those three states show a tie.  I have given Obama the win in PA and Minnesota and McCain the win in VA based on historical precedent.

The biggest difference in my totals and the Real Clear numbers are the states of Colorado and New Mexico.  Real Clear gives both of those states to Obama.  But, the most recent polls from those two states favor McCain.

From here on out, the state polls will be far more important than the national polls.  In any event, the winning trend is definitely in McCain's favor.  So you can, expect the Old School media to dig in and fight even harder for Obama.

McCain kicks Obama right in the Fannie Mae

Posted on "America Needs Me", Reposted here to share:

Man, facts must cause hives over at Team Obie!

They get helped a lot by “Opinionizing”, which may become my new made-up word for what has replaced journalism. Hey, they can make up stories, I can make up words.

First, Purple People Vote has a glimpse into what the MSM hopes to come of the current financial mess. So that’s how they want to play this?

OK. Next up is a clearer picture of Barack Obama’s “opening” in some of this mess:

Wow, looks like he has accomplished something in the Senate! That’s a whole lotta money grabbing when you’ve only been at work a few days in the last year and a half. If “change” means “get into bed with lobbyists at a record pace” Obama is certainly all over it.

For the millionth time, kiddies: Barack Obama hasn’t the slightest interest in bringing change to Washington or any other political system in which he’s been involved. All of his success has come from working those systems to perfection. He used Chicago political trickery to clear his way to his first victory and he’s obviously got a map to every power donor bed he needs to jump into in Washington. If he wrecks this system he loses a huge advantage.

Finally, The Patriot Room has some video and analysis of McCain laying some smack down on Obama over all of this. He even gets to trot out the celebrity elitist stuff again.

The biggest change we need in this election is an electorate that’s not jammie-walking it’s way to the polls and sleep voting. The more anyone becomes aware of the Grand Canyon between Obama’s scripted rhetoric and the few things he has actually done, the less likely he or she is to vote for him.

Fractured Fenminism

As the National Organization for Women endorses Barack Obama, members of Democracy in Sufrage express their outrage at this endorsement… 
(Click here to read the full article)  

Don’t Get Mad - But Do Get Even with the DNC:

From Free US Now:

We have lost 12 more people because they are not McCain supporters, but we gained 9. Again,
we did not start out this way and I never suggested we we end up Republican not now or ever.
So we are down 17 and up 9, and none of them are Republican or came to us for McCain & Palin !!

We are and always were Nobama’s. We are and always were Pro Hillary she  is still our choice
but she was not and will not be the DNC’s. We are and always knew we could not and would not
support Obama  and we stayed NOBAMA after June 3 . Those are the facts !

So let me tell you about Sept. 27th and what the DNC has planned! If you think they are done
stonewalling the people who are clinging - that’s right clinging to their party for dear life - let
me fill you in on how they plan on breaking  your democratic hearts one more time. I have
heard it from the state party chairs them selves that the DNC has broken into the Hillary
National Delegate Google Groups to spy and find out which state leader/delegates are still
secretly holding on to Hillary and warned to come on board for Obama or loose funds to operate
in their respective states. Dean is still pulling his totalitarianism tactics in order to control us.

The 50 state party chairs were told to twist arms to get Hillary delegates to switch
to Obama or lose funding on 9/27 from Howard Dean for the '50 state strategy' and
paying for field workers in the states.

Why? Why do they need delegates at this point to swear allegiance to Obama? Why do they
spy on them and demand they leave these groups? Why do they need this total and complete
commitment almost cult-like? There are forces within the DNC that need to be met with a
greater force. At this point we only have one tool available to  stop Obama in November!

If this is how the Obama Democrats run things during the campaign, what can we expect
from them when they have control over the White House, The House, The Senate and The
Supreme Court as well as what should be our fourth branch of government checks and
balances, The Media. No thanks - I will take my chances with at least the top two positions
staying out of the hands of corrupt power hungry Obamacrats who leave us no choice.

I could be wrong but I would wager 4 more years  in hopes of another shot at getting Hillary.
I would gamble that this defeat may teach the DNC that we mean business and the
DNC may, in order to get back into power - give us the candidate that can and will turn this
country and yes this party around. I am willing to take that chance. I am not willing to elect
Obama- I am not willing to succumb to the DNC and give my vote and fall to this trickery. NO

There are only 2 candidates left standing and it is either Obama or the other guy. The DNC
knew this when they took away our rights - they knew we may not fall in line - they knew
we were not Lemmings who sat and followed like robots yet they tried to turn us into Obots -
well - it did not work- did it?

We know  if we allow the DNC to get away with this- we will have enabled them and given
away more than we can afford to. So folks - I repeat do we really have another  choice? The
other team lucks out again but only for 4 years. Sarah is quite a gal but up against Hillary she
doesn’t stand a chance and imagine what 2012 will be like when WE the Real Democrats, WE
the Puma’s, WE the People - Just say no Deal in 2008 and then WE the people run not one but

TWO WOMEN in 2012 for the Highest Office in the World!

What better way to pay back both these parties then to run two women in 2012 and the only
way to do that is to put Sarah in as VP now and Hillary in as POTUS in 2012! Free US Now

We do not have to support the Republicans or their platform - we don’t have to get in bed with
them - No we don’t - McCain the maverick is at least the least conservative of the bunch and
Sarah while very conservative is at least a woman. Can we hold our noses? I can - I will and I
hope some of you can too! I know many of you will vote down ticket - good - but be sure that
you vote out incumbents when you can and vote in a newcomer if possible - we need to throw
the bums whenever possible.

Please consider what is at stake here- take out the man who stole our party and cheated - lied
and strong armed our girl right out of her rightful place in History. Obama and the DNC must
pay. They must pay for cheating Democracy - for sexism, for racism and we must take our
country back. Make no mistake we must vote down ticket to prevent the other party from
free reign. We have to stop the Dems and teach them who the owners of this country are and
we have to get behind McCain to do it - like it or not. Thanks to the DNC who refused to listen
to the people or count our votes - let us not gift them with our vote.

This is Chicago Style Politics at its very worst. If we are going to have the same thing- let’s not
tolerate it from our own party. Let’s not be forced to become what we hate. Once we allow this
into our party we are stuck with it in both parties forever- we can not allow this to happen - not
in our America. Let’s save this party from itself so in 2012 we can rise again. Free US Now!

“Who is Mr. Obama? He has told us who he is through his record and deeds: a liberal politician who
will abandon all his principles at the drop of a hat in order to be elected. This is not new or fresh: It is
precisely the "failed policies of the past" that he brilliantly identified, but cannot surmount.”
~ Washington Times Sunday, September 14, 2008

Remember what the Rules and By-Laws Committee did in on May 31- they took Hillary votes
and delegates away from her and gave them to Obama. I would not put it past them to give him
votes that are not his whether left blank or written in for Hillary. Do you doubt it? They took
votes given to uncommitted and handed them over Obama what makes you think they would
not do that again? Do not give them that opportunity again.

PLEASE do not leave the top blank
PLEASE do not write in Hillary
PLEASE do not stay home!

You must vote and your vote must make Obama steal two votes to overcome your vote!

EDITORIAL: A debate Obama cannot win

Barack Obama's campaign for the presidency is faltering mostly because he misrepresented
himself to the American people. He promised new and authentic politics; unity and bipartisanship;
and reform of Washington. He touted his impeccable judgement — as evidenced by his early
opposition to the Iraq war and the surge. He thus set the terms of the election debate. Yet the
very terms he established are the ones he cannot win with. His record simply does not correspond
to his rhetoric.

Read the full story here:


Ask Steve Schmidt
Steve Schmidt is senior advisor to John Mc Cain and he will take your questions Wednesday
Sept. 17th on Plains Radio- http://www.hcsfjm.com 7 pm- 8 pm Central -- Call-- 888 447 0270

Obama only talks good game on gender pay equity

11 September 2008

"Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work," Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver:
 "I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."

Obama's campaign website is even more specific. Under the heading "Fighting for Pay Equity," the women's issues page laments that, "Despite decades of progress, women still make only 77 cents for
every dollar a man makes. A recent study estimates it will take another 47 years for women to close
the wage gap with men at Fortune 500 corporate offices. Barack Obama believes the government
needs to take steps to better enforce the Equal Pay Act..."

Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make.

Anyone care to comment on why he pays his female staffers less and then McCain, no one reports it
even as his speech claims one thing while he does another? Read the full story including how some of his staff left his employ to work for McCain at a higher pay then go to my blog to comment:

Read full story then blog:http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/378772_murdockonline12.html

Riverdaughter blog has must read:

Obama appears to use US soldiers as pawns to win the presidency

Posted on September 15, 2008 by garychapelhill

Then come back to our blog and tell us what you think:

How Nobama?

There was a conference call last night. PUMA’s - Just say no dealers- No We Won’ters - C4m’s-
RealDems - FUN ( that’s us) and many from up to 250 some odd other groups.   Everyone is all
upset about how to go about not electing Obama. We could not agree- we could not agree! We are Democrats and we have been through s much this year that to ask us now to support Republicans
openly - for some - is just the very last straw!

Many will vote McCain /Palin easily, some only kicking and screaming, some will pull the lever
Nov. 4th. but they do not know it yet and some will pull it at the very last minute but will surely
run straight home and scrub their hands till they bleed. Some will vote third party, some with leave
 it blank or write in Hillary and risk the DNC counts them to Obama, some with do the unthinkable.

This is what our party has done to us! It had us in disarray last night it has us loosing a few
members but it has not taken away the one thing we all agree on. It is NOBAMA still. I honestly
believe a vote for McCain is the only solution but I will give you this- after deep soul searching I
have come to the decision that I will not use my site to openly endorse nor raise funds for McCain.
I own my vote and I will cast it in protest against Obama and for women’s rights to be treated fairly
and to be able to run for the highest office without fear of sexist attacks. I will not back away from
Sarah’s right to her choices. I will continue to offer my reasons not to support Obama and why we
need to vote to resist electing him.

As a result of last night’s conference - a new blog was started to assist folks who do want
information on ways to defeat Obama or support Mc Cain.  http://hownobama.blogspot.com/

Obama & ACORN on Notice: McCain-Palin Launch Anti-Fraud Initiative

September 16, 2008 by texasdarlin

Visit our friends at Texas Darlin for this story then come back and leave some comments with us too!