PUMA in WA will unite together!

PUMA stands for "People United Means Action!" You may know that there is another, more defiant meaning for the acronym P.U.M.A. There will be no unity in the Democratic party until the voices of the 18 million voters who support Hillary Clinton are heard and heeded.

We are motivated to action by our shared belief that the current leadership of the Democratic National Committee has abrogated its responsibility to represent the interests of all democrats in all 50 states. They are misleading our party and aim to mislead our country into nominating an illegitimate candidate for president in 2008. Our goals are fourfold:

1. To support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2008 / 2012.

2. To lobby and organize for changes in leadership in the DNC

3. To critique and oppose the misogyny, discrimination, and disinformation in the mainstream media, including mainstream blogs and other outlets of new media

4. To support the efforts of those political figures who have allied themselves with Hillary Clinton and who have demonstrated commitment to our first three goals

DAILY Rasmussen Poll:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama attracting 49% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama Issues A Directive To His Obamabots

Posted by Wake up America, reposted here to share.

The Obama campaign encouraged their Obamabots to disrupt a radio show once again because of the person being interviewed on the show.

Others have covered the story, so the background from a few people discussing it.

Hot Air:

David Freddoso attempted to appear on Milt Rosenberg’s WGN radio show last night, and just as when Stanley Kurtz tried to talk on the same show, the Barack Obama campaign organized a disruption of the show. The campaign sent out an e-mail to supporters in the area sliming Freddoso as an “extreme” hate monger, a “smear merchant”, and attempted to silence him despite Rosenberg having an Obama surrogate on the show:

More from CT:

"The author of the latest anti-Barack hit book is appearing on WGN Radio in the Chicagoland market tonight, and your help is urgently needed to make sure his baseless lies don't gain credibility," an e-mail sent Monday evening to Obama supporters reads.

The Obama campaign issued it's directive to their Obamabots, then gave them specific talking points of what script to use. Then told them to report back to them.

Guy Benson gives us an account of what happened:

Well, here we go again.
Last night, WGN’s studio lines were bombarded with irate calls from Obama supporters in response to yet another interview on “Extension 720,” hosted by the venerable Milt Rosenberg. This time the offending “card-carrying member of the right-wing smear machine” was National Review’s own David Freddoso, author of The Case Against Barack Obama.

Mother, May I Sleep With Treacher gives an amusing analysis:

Note: The official Obama campaign website is doing this. They're screaming about McCain running the sleaziest campaign ever, while they're actively trying to stifle dissent against Obama. Not refuting it; not ridiculing it; not even engaging with it. Trying to keep it from being said at all. If this is like last time, they won't even send a campaign rep to the show, which is just down the street from their HQ. No, just send in the phone zombies.

And they're getting away with this. I guess because if you have a problem with it, you're a racist?

Can you imagine the front-page stories all over the world if McCain tried this crap? Hell, if Palin even listens to the radio, the next day she has somebody in the New York Times analyzing her car presets for sinister intent.

I've got my Amazon Kindle right here and I just downloaded Freddoso's book. While I still can. If Obama's so scared of it that he's pulling these kinds of thug tactics, I'm voting with my wallet. And now, I'm sitting down to read.

Last but not least, Michelle Malkin shows us that Obama's last attempt to hide information he didn't want the public to know about, failed miserably when the DOJ refused to stifle his critics for him.

Asked directly during a panel discussion at the PLI conference whether he would approve of a case against a hypothetical contributor to a Section 527 group who gave a seven-figure donation based on a request to help or harm the prospects of a particular presidential candidate, Donsanto said, “No.”

Definitely read Malkin's whole piece for the whole statement.

Since I am using Malkin for statement showing the DOJ refusal to help Obama intimidate conservatives, I might as well honor her request on that same piece when she asks people to pass around the ad that Barack Obama tried so hard to stop people from seeing.

Video below.

Thanks Michelle!!

Okay we are caught up on Obama's latest attempt to stifle criticisms against him.

Americans Trust McCain on Economy, Taxes, National Security, and Leadership

The latest poll numbers from Rasmussen not only show Senator McCain with a lead in the national polls, but show that he dramatically outperforms Senator Obama in the major issue groups such as the economy, taxes, national security, and leadership.  McCain’s lead is in the double digits for both leadership qualities, and national security.
  McCain Obama
Better Leader 
49% 39%
Taxes Will Go Up
22% 45%
49% 45%
National Security
55% 40%
48% 43%

Cash-poor Obama Says No To Reid - The Politico

Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made a personal appeal to Barack Obama: Help me grow the Democrats’ Senate majority by sharing some of the $77 million you’ve got in the bank.

Obama’s campaign said no.

In rejecting a direct request from his Senate leader, Obama has put a fine point on the financial pressures he’s feeling as the presidential race turns toward the fall.

Obama raised a record-setting $66 million in August, leaving his campaign with about $77 million in cash now. Because he has turned down public financing, he can keep raising money through Election Day. John McCain, having accepted public financing, can’t
(Click here to read the full article) 

Obama's Anti-Free Speech Units at it Again in Chicago

Posted on the thejtandbearshow.com, reposted here to share:
Obama's camp is at it again using Chicago style gutter politics and intimidation.  Instead of allowing free speech to prevail, they prefer attacking WGN-AM in Chicago for having David Freddoso, the author of "The Case against Barack Obama."

Here's the book if you haven't heard of it:

Here is the article from the Chicago Tribune explaining what happened:
Chicago radio station WGN-AM is again coming under attack from the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama for offering airtime to a controversial author. It is the second time in recent weeks the station has been the target of an "Obama Action Wire" alert to supporters of the Illinois Democrat.

Monday night's target was David Freddoso, who the campaign said was scheduled to be on the station from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Chicago time.

"The author of the latest anti-Barack hit book is appearing on WGN Radio in the Chicagoland market tonight, and your help is urgently needed to make sure his baseless lies don't gain credibility," an e-mail sent Monday evening to Obama supporters reads.

"David Freddoso has made a career off dishonest, extreme hate mongering," the message said. "And WGN apparently thinks this card-carrying member of the right-wing smear machine needs a bigger platform for his lies and smears about Barack Obama -- on the public airwaves."

The Tribune-owned station was flooded with calls and e-mails about an hour before an Aug. 27 interview with Stanley Kurtz, a conservative writer who examined Obama's ties to former 1960s radical William Ayers.

A WGN producer said Monday night's response was about the same as when Kurtz was on the station.
You hear these attacks from Obama's smear machine all the time, calling the other side "hate mongerers, liars, sleazy, etc."  However, you never hear why they think that, other than the fact that these "hateful" rightwingers have written a book against the Messiah, The One from Hope and Change, Illinois.  It is sacreligious to Obama's devoted followers.  Wouldn't it be more legitimate to point out exactly which lies David Freddoso has told rather than smear him and try to suppress free speech?  If he is really lying, go out and say why.  It's not as if Obama doesn't have a platform his views.  The liberal Media are in the tank for him.  They would be glad to spread his smears and attacks.  He won't do it, because there is no substance behind his allegations, and it will only highlight the appeal of Freddoso's book, which is well researched.  Instead, Obama and his liberal supporters favor shutting up the right, which is why they can't wait to get to the White House, so they can pass the "Fairness Doctrine."  If you can't beat your opponents in the free market of ideas, you might as well suppress their speech.  It is the politics of personal destruction at its worst.  Then again, it shouldn't come as a surprise.  It's not the only free market he wants to destroy.

Media to Voters: If you don’t vote for Obama we will tell everyone ur a racist!

The media is mad—mad at Obama’s dipping pol #s and they are on a rampage. Their Latest target: voters who refuse to give it up for Their ONE.

In past days, A flurry of MSM articles erupted charging white voters with racism if they refuse to vote for the O-man. Here are my top five sad-sack picks for ur viewing “pleasure.”
(Click here read the full article)

Give 'em Hell, Sarah

Reagan and Truman forced their way into grudging acceptance and eventual recognition by the establishment through genuine and hard-earned political success, and Palin too will have to prove herself. She shows signs of sharing their humility, power of decision, and simplicity toward self-government.

In her first innings, Palin has offered a unique display of the capacity that John Adams described as the essence of a "natural aristocrat" in America: "By an aristocrat I mean every man who can command two votes--one besides his own." Here Adams was reminding us of the centrality of substantive persuasion in political life, something Republicans haven't been very good at of late. The talking heads of the establishment deprecated Palin's debut. "Sure, she gives a good speech, but  .  .  ." They should be saying to Palin, "Welcome to the aristocracy, governor."
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)


Is it any wonder why we chose Hillary over Obama and why we still can not vote for Obama?

Down below a link to this video story at hireheels.

Subscribe Here

Feminism is Dead! Long Live the New Feminism!

From NPR
Rarely does the National Organization For Women endorse a presidential candidate. On Tuesday, the group announced it is endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Kim Gandy, president of NOW, talks with Renee Montagne about why the organization is endorsing Obama.
It’s time for a New Organization for Women, don’t you think? Here’s some motivational music:

Puma PAC has started a new political party:

Goodbye Howard Dean. Goodbye Barack Obama. Goodbye Nancy Pelosi. Goodbye Donna Brazile. You have not only lost the White House for the Democratic Party. Today you have brought the Democratic Party to the brink of irrelevancy altogether. John McCain has played you all like a piano.
Today we say GOODBYE to the OLD Democratic Party. The OLD Democratic Party has led us to DISASTER. John McCain and Sarah Palin will win in November by a landslide.

Puma PAC has started a new political party:  



We have a website launching tonight. at www.thenewdemocraticparty.org
We will be modeled on Alice Paul’s National Woman’s Party. We will NOT be running candidates. We WILL be endorsing candidates.
We will be the Party for All Disaffected Democrats who are FINISHED WITH THE OLD DEMOCRATIC PARTY. We are NOT Republicans, though millions of us will vote McCain/Palin in November.
Our Platform is the Platform of the TRUE Democratic Party
  • Healthcare for All
  • Equal Rights for women, LGBT, and people of color
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Worker Protections
  • Envmtl Protections
  • Fair Immigration Policy
  • Help for working class college students
  • Good public schools
(Click on the title of the post to read the remainder )

Clinton Calls for US Commission on Russia-Georgia Conflict

Hillary is so balanced in her perspective…we so need this woman!

Don’t let Obama steal another election!

DATE: September 15, 2008
TO: Puma PAC
FROM: Murphy

Hello Puma PAC,

We have 50 days until Election Day. Right now the Obama Movement is in meltdown. The polls show a continuing decline for Obama/Biden and a continuing upward trend for McCain/Palin.

This is when we have to start worrying about desperate, last-ditch efforts by the Obama Movement to try to manipulate the outcome on November 4th. Voter fraud, perpetrated by Obama followers, through “absentee balloting” is a very real possibility.

Today the Obama Movement unveiled a nifty little internet tool that makes it VERY EASY to register to vote. (They also sneaked in a way to hold on to YOUR private information, including your Driver’s License number.)

Today, we are sending the message to the Obama Movement that Puma PAC is WATCHING. Chicago style might work where they come from, but it is NOT the way voters like things done. Puma PAC believes in free and FAIR elections. Cheating and rule-bending are UNACCEPTABLE and un-American.

Please go to this site and fill out an application to register to vote. http://www.voteforchange.com/index_obama.php?source=091008emailR#

Here is the information to use when filling out the form:

Name: Barry Sotero
Address: 233 North Michigan Avenue,
City, State: Chicago IL, 60601(Obama’s Chicago campaign HQ)
Tel: 866-675-2008
Email: democraticparty@democrats.org
Last 4 digits of Social Security Number: 0061 (I made that up)

Be SURE to type Puma Democratic Party in the spot that asks for your party affiliation.
Once you’ve filled out the online form, print it out and mail it to the Obama HQ. Be sure to include some Puma PAC cash as a friendly donation and seal the form with a kiss.
The address again: Barack Obama, 233 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago IL, 60601
The second part of this PROWL is to call the Obama HQ immediately and ask the following question: When will Barack Obama stop trying to steal elections? Use this phone number: 866-675-2008.
This might seem like a game, but it IS NOT. We are trying to attract attention to our cause BEFORE it is too late.

Thank you and Good Luck,
PumaPac.org www.pumapac.org

McCain to appear at Clinton conference; Obama to speak via satellite

Bill Clinton just released the program for his annual Clinton Global Initiative, a New York conference that coincides with the United Nations General Assembly and typically draws an international A-list of speakers and guests.

John McCain will appear at the event in person, while Obama addresses it via satellite.
“Both United States presidential candidates will have a role in the Annual Meeting. Senator John McCain will deliver the opening remarks live at the “Integrated Solutions: water, food and energy” plenary session,” says the press release.

The event, which carries a hefty price tag for guests, includes a revival-style conclusion, at which business leaders come on stage to make pledges to charities.

This year’s attendees are expected to include, along with the two candidates, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, Italian  Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and the presidents of Mexico, Rwanda, Libera, and other countries. Also expected: former Vice President Al Gore, oilman T. Boone Pickens, and Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk.

Hillary Still Fighting for Equal Pay

Received from NOW:
Legislation Introduced by Senator Hillary Clinton Fights for Pay Equity in the Workplace
Bush Administration Fails to Monitor Pay-Equity Enforcement
 ALBANY, NY (09/15/2008; 1650)(readMedia)– NOW New York State thanks Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for calling attention to the wage gap’s impact on women in New York and around the country. As was revealed in last week’s US Government Accountability Office report, the Bush Administration has neglected to monitor pay-equity law enforcement and failed to investigate violations.
 Earlier today Senator Clinton, joined by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), New York Women’s Foundation President and CEO Ana Oliveira, Women’s Center for Education and Career Advancement Executive Director Merble Reagon, and Barnard College President Debora L.Spar, held a press conference at Barnard College. The event was a push to toughen pay discrimination laws and to erase pay inequities.
 Senator Clinton explained; “This report is a call to action that we cannot afford to ignore. It is clear that while woman have long fought for equality in the workplace, the Bush Administration has turned back the clock by failing to enforce the equal pay requirements that are already on the books. I am proud to be here today with Congresswoman Maloney and these amazing advocates who are still fighting to end the pay inequities that have shortchanged women and their families for far too long. I call on my colleagues to help us enact legislation that will help level the playing field for hardworking women in New York and across the nation.”
 Congresswoman Maloney added: “Equal pay is not just a women’s issue, it’s a family issue. The wage gap is particularly painful as families are struggling to buy groceries, to fill their gas tanks, and to make ends meet on stagnant wages. The GAO’s report shows that the federal government must do more, not only to enforce fair pay laws, but also to strengthen them further. I’m proud of Senator Clinton’s leadership on this issue and I look forward to working with her to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would empower women to negotiate better pay and would toughen penalties for employers who break the law.”
 NOW New York State continues to admire and celebrate Senator Clinton for her ongoing leadership on women’s issues in NYS and around this country.

National Council of Churches: Far-Left and Dangerous

If you attend a mainstream Christian church, this post is an alarm bell. Do you know where your tithe goes and the philosophies silently, and perhaps unknowingly, supported by them?

(Click here to read the article) 

How Obama will Bankrupt America

Yesterday’s collapse in Wall Street has dramatically impacted how our public perceives the state of our entire economy and how they view the politics of Washington. We have had a President that has betrayed every tenet of conservatism to its very core, basically governing as if he were a card carrying Liberal. Government and spending have therefore increased to new heights, while Main Street has suffered the consequences of entrenched interests.
On the flip side, we have had a Democratic congress that, after coming into power barely two years ago, has already engendered the lowest approval ratings in the (recent) history of that collectivity. They have thus squandered and robbed the American people by increasing earmarks for unnecessary projects and have also provided an unmeasurable amount of civic and corporate welfare to individuals and entities that clearly don’t deserve it.
By all estimation, Washington is broken, and no matter how we look at it, the probability of it changing quickly enough is far ahead (if ever). But, what is quite clear is that, at this moment in our history, we simply CANNOT afford electing somebody like Barack Obama, a man who has NEVER followed through on his word to the American public. From going back against his pledge to be a part of public financing, to lying about “heading the banking committee”, when he was not even a member, to his recent attempt to negotiate with Iraqis to keep our troops in their country for a longer period of time, just so that he could have a better argument to get elected (all the while he was simultaneously telling the public that he wanted the same troops out immediately). This sort of dishonesty and untruthfulness is very dangerous in a crisis such as the one we are facing today, and Obama’s record of double dealing makes him ineligible to face this challenge.
When you add into the mix his utter inexperience on EVERY single hurdle that we face,  and the fact that he has NEVER managed ANYTHING (not even a personal business), it is very clear that Obama should be far removed from the decisions that will PERSONALLY impact every single one of us.
But don’t take my word for it, let’s look very closely at what Barack Obama and his countless advisers are proposing to do with our economy, and YOU be the judge of what it means to the fate of our Country.

Obama's Sub-Prime Buddies - Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Goldman and more...

Among Obama's campaign contributors are many Lehman Brothers Executives, such as CEO Richard Fuld ($2,300), President Joseph Gregory ($4,600) and dozens of other top Lehman Executives. On June 19th, Lehman shareholders filed suit against Fuld and Gregory for the company’s exposure in the subprime market. In addition to dozens of Lehman executives are Obama's bundlers from Lehman Borthers who have raised top dollar for the campaign. Direct contributions from Lehman Brothers have exceeded $395,000 for Senator Obama.

John Rhea - (over $500,000) Co-Head of Lehman Bros. Global Investment Banking
Mark Gilbert - (over $500,000) Lehman Brothers Senior Executive
Christine Forester - (over $500,000) Lehman Brothers Senior Executive
Theodore Janulis – Bundler (over $100,000) & Lehman Brothers Head of Global Mortgages
Nadja Fidelia – Bundler (over $50,000) & Managing Director of Lehman Brothers 
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article) 

Rove Speaks

I'm here at Claremont McKenna College where I'll be giving a talk tonight on politics and new media at the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum. Last night Karl Rove was the guest of honor, speaking about the election and offering an intimate view of what a day in the life inside the White House looks like for the President of the United States.

I won't recap everything he said, but there is one thing worth mentioning. Much has been made of Rove's remark last week on Fox News Sunday about the McCain camp going over the line in terms of its negative advertising, a claim that the Obama camp and its supporters have been trumpeting all week - even going so far as to use it in a fund raising appeal from David Plouffe yesterday.

The subject of McCain's ad knocking Obama over sex education came up during the question and answer portion of the proceedings last night, and Rove responded by saying - and I'm paraphrasing here - that in his opinion the McCain camp had erred by not being specific enough in its claim.

The bill, Rove pointed out (and which you can see from Byron York's analysis here this morning), did in fact include specific language that kindergarteners be taught about sexually transmitted diseases including HIV. Rove said that he felt the McCain campaign got "too cute" in using the phrase "comprehensive sex education" which opened the door to enough ambiguity for counter charges to be hurled back at McCain. Better to just let the exact language in the bill speak for itself, Rove said.

Rove went on to say that he thought the Obama campaign was making a serious mistake in using this to try and cast McCain as a dishonorable liar, because the label is fundamentally at odds with the core of McCain's public image. By spending so much effort trying to make this charge stick, Rove said, the Obama campaign was wasting valuable time that would be better spent offering voters a reason to vote for Obama rather than a reason to vote against McCain.

Censorship in Hollywood - Andrew Breitbart, Washington Times

Matt Damon is scared. Last week his e-mail runneth over with nasty Sarah Palin rumors. And before he could get his facts straight, the "Bourne" film series star and Barack Obama supporter spread false fears in a hysterical video that immediately went viral on the Internet.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)

The High Cost of Racial Hype - Thomas Sowell, RealClearPolitics

Will time and energy spent on rap music and wearing low-riding baggy pants like guys in prison-- as badges of identity-- provide as good a future for young people as learning math, computers and the English language?

Romantic self-indulgence and self-deception are things that some people can afford when they reach the point where they can afford identity angst. But millions of other people will remain mired in poverty if they believe such notions.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article) 

E-mail to Obama: dishonest TV ad, wrong audience- Jonah Goldberg, Los Angeles Times

After running a brilliant and historic primary battle to defeat Hillary Clinton, the Obama campaign is now in disarray. Why?

Perhaps it's because Barack Obama has never run a competitive race against a Republican. After all, Obama won his U.S. Senate seat in Illinois by running against Alan Keyes, a fire-and-brimstone, right-wing black carpetbagger from Maryland (or perhaps Mars) who had no real ties to Illinois.
The tax-cuts and economy barbs are familiar boilerplate. What's new is the charge of computer illiteracy and the blatant attempt to attack McCain as too old for the job -- and that speaks volumes.

First, the ad is dishonest. McCain has been one of the Senate's leading authorities on telecom and the Internet.

In 2000, Forbes magazine called him the "Senate's savviest technologist." That same year, Slate's Jacob Weisberg gushed that McCain was the most "cybersavvy" of all the presidential candidates that year, a crop that included none other than Al Gore. Being chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Weisberg explained, "forced him to learn about the Internet early on, and young Web entrepreneurs such as Jerry Yang and Jeff Bezos fascinate him."

Weisberg, an Obama booster, now disingenuously mocks McCain as "flummoxed by that newfangled doodad, the personal computer."

One reason McCain is not versed in the mechanical details of sending e-mail and typing on a keyboard is that the North Vietnamese broke his fingers and shattered both of his arms. As Forbes, Slate and the Boston Globe reported in 2000, McCain's injuries make using a keyboard painfully laborious. He mostly relies on his wife and staff to show him e-mails and websites, though he says he's getting up to speed.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article) 

Hyped Indignation Over McCain "Lies" - David Harsanyi, RealClearPolitics

And it starts with Sarah Palin's assertion that she said "thanks, but no thanks" to the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" and opposed earmarks. That is an elastic political truth.
Technically, she did stop the project after initially supporting it. She has taken earmarks -- even lobbied for them while mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. As governor of Alaska, though, Palin also vetoed more than 300 wasteful projects and made an attempt to reform the process. Her record on earmarks is mixed, but by any measure, it's far superior to either of the Democratic candidates' records.

Moreover, if this Palin claim can be classified as an untruth, Obama can be called a "liar" just as easily.

Take, if you will, the foundational assertion of Obama's entire campaign: He is the candidate of post-partisan change. Obama, meanwhile, voted with fellow Democrats 96 percent of the time in Washington. And the bipartisan achievement he most often cites, an ethics reform bill, was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate.

Unanimous: "being in complete harmony or accord."

So "unity" should be referred to as a poetic truth.
 (Click on the title of the post to read the full article)

On Sex-Ed Ad, McCain Is Right - Byron York, National Review Online

According to the press release, Senate Bill 99 required that “if a public school teaches sex education, family life education, and comprehensive health education courses, all materials and instruction must be medically and factually accurate.” The bill’s main sponsor, Sen. Carol Ronen, was quoted saying, “It teaches students about the advantages of abstinence, while also giving them the realistic information they need about the prevention of an unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.” The release contained no mention of sexual predators or inappropriate touching.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article) 

the leaders of the Congress, have failed miserably ever since July 2007, when they were both given a warning, and were given in rapid succession a series of actions that would have prevented this crisis.

September 15, 2008 (LPAC)—U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche spoke bluntly today about the significance of the weekend's financial developments, including the bankruptcy of the long-dead Lehman Brothers, the buyout of drowning Merrill Lynch by the equally desperate Bank of America, and the growing list of financial corpses—such as AIG, Washington Mutual, and others—lining up at the morgue.

"The key thing here," LaRouche said, "is, who is to blame? It was inevitable. Why was nothing done about it? It was inevitable. We warned about it. Why was nothing done? We warned that the whole thing was happening, back in our international webcast of July 2007. And we defined the precautions that should be taken all the way through. Why was nothing done about it?

"All of the current liquidity bail-out plans being floated by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury, and other idiots, are total nonsense. They have to take the actions I have specified, right now—which is to freeze absolutely everything, go to a bankruptcy reorganization mode, and move immediately to call the Congress back to session. And instruct the Congress to pass my legislation, now, starting with the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act (HBPA), or else.

"This is a time to hit with clout, because if we don't hit fast, there's not going to be any U.S. economy or other economy left."

LaRouche addressed all the politicians, pundits, so-called economists, and average citizens who rejected his warnings and advice. "What did you do about it? What was your position? What was your estimate? And what right do you have to advise somebody on what they should do now, on the basis of your record, as a forecaster, given your political judgment? What about your political judgment? Do you trust it, after what you did?

"The members of the Congress, especially the leaders of the Congress, have failed miserably ever since July 2007, when they were both given a warning, and were given in rapid succession a series of actions that would have prevented this crisis. And they wouldn't do it! Especially Cong. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, Cong. Nancy Pelosi, etc. These guys were warned, and these guys didn't do it. They said `no.' Well, they said `yes' to hell, didn't they? Maybe they should resign. It might be a good thing, especially the Speaker of the House. What the hell did she do? She was warned, repeatedly. What did she do?"

LaRouche also said the planned hearings of Chris Dodd's Senate Banking Committee, currently scheduled for Sept. 16, should be canceled. "Tell them to call off the scheduled Dodd hearings. Because Dodd has no respectability: his opinions are completely self-discredited, as of this moment. He should turn the whole matter over to other members of the Congress and Senate who are less contaminated by what he has done. The mess that was created is largely a result of measures that were taken by Dodd—not as a sole perpetrator, but as a very culpable member with responsibility. So Dodd should not be holding any hearings; he should turn the hearings over to someone who is less contaminated. This guy has been stubbornly holding on all along against doing all the things that should be done. You want to call him and his committee in to make the decisions?

"Dodd should resign over this, and regain some element of personal credibility, by honorably resigning, for reason of his closeness to the banker Felix Rohatyn—as all members of the Congress who are too close to Felix Rohatyn, should resign. Their being influenced by Felix Rohatyn is grounds for their resignation."

- Bankruptcy Reorganization -

"Now you're going to get another chance. We're going to try to do something now to salvage the situation," LaRouche said, referring to his scheduled October 1 international webcast from Washington, D.C. "Are you going to listen this time? Finally, are you going to listen, and hear what you've got to do? Because if not, you're going to get a very Dark Age, for a long time to come.

"And you have to bring this President under control: he's completely incompetent. This should make it clear to you. We don't believe this is all the Secretary of Treasury's fault; we think he was getting direct orders from his President."

LaRouche further explained: "The banks and financial institutions are all sick, but you have to start minimizing what you try to bail out at this point. We cannot saddle the future of the U.S. infinitely. Therefore we have to be very judicious about what we start to bail out, as I said before. This is a question of triage. Now the triage begins. The question is, who can we afford to bail out? I've already established the criteria, in my proposal to establish a two-tiered interest rate and credit policy."

"It's called bankruptcy reorganization, putting something in bankruptcy for the purpose of saving the economy. But the current gang in control wouldn't do it. They were willing to sacrifice the system for the sake of not putting their friends into bankruptcy.

"As of today, with today's developments, we now have sectors of the federal system, or bankers, or in a sense, central bankers, who are going to be open to a change, because they were already talking about it. Today's events have to be viewed, not as this is the time to try to choose the alternative and try a new idea; now is the time to try the idea they had earlier rejected. There are many who did not reject it entirely, but who were induced to reject it, and they will now come back triumphantly and say: `Okay, we were right.' And anyone who is worth anything is one who can say, honestly, in some degree: `We were right, and you guys were wrong.' Nobody else is worth listening to.

"For example, only idiots are listening to Alan Greenspan these days. You want to listen to him, and others like him? You listened to him too much already, didn't you? If you had not listened to him, we wouldn't be in this mess, would we? Are you going to do the same stupid thing again? Are you going to listen to these jerks again?"

LaRouche concluded: "Okay, now that you guys have been proven wrong, I don't have to take your crap anymore. Now you listen to me, and improve your ways!"

Lyndon LaRouche will deliver an international webcast from Washington, D.C. on October 1, 2008, beginning at 1:00 p.m. EDT. It will be broadcast internationally with simultaneous translation in Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Russian.