A lot could happen between now and November 7th that could tip the election to Barak Obama, but for the moment, John McCain and Sarah Palin are ahead of him and Joe Biden. If the lead holds though, the victory will be attributable in part, to conservatives and the conservative blogosphere. We have helped fight an epic battle, in fetid conditions.
PUMA in WA will unite together!
We are motivated to action by our shared belief that the current leadership of the Democratic National Committee has abrogated its responsibility to represent the interests of all democrats in all 50 states. They are misleading our party and aim to mislead our country into nominating an illegitimate candidate for president in 2008. Our goals are fourfold:
1. To support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2008 / 2012.
2. To lobby and organize for changes in leadership in the DNC
3. To critique and oppose the misogyny, discrimination, and disinformation in the mainstream media, including mainstream blogs and other outlets of new media
4. To support the efforts of those political figures who have allied themselves with Hillary Clinton and who have demonstrated commitment to our first three goals
DAILY Rasmussen Poll:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A McCain/Palin win would taste especially sweet
A lot could happen between now and November 7th that could tip the election to Barak Obama, but for the moment, John McCain and Sarah Palin are ahead of him and Joe Biden. If the lead holds though, the victory will be attributable in part, to conservatives and the conservative blogosphere. We have helped fight an epic battle, in fetid conditions.
A Sinking Ship Of Fools: Updated
That may well represent the Obama campaign that is in the process of self destruction and they don't even realize why. His own worst enemies are himself and his rabid supporters that scream racism at every criticism of him combined with a proclivity for sticking his feet in his mouth without a teleprompter in the way to stop him. The nasty smears aimed at Gov. Palin and her family are creating a serious backlash that I don't think he or his minions in the MSM foresaw and have outraged a major sector of the electorate. McCain/Palin have now pulled ahead in all the national polls and appear to be holding their lead but what is interesting is the trends in the internals of those polls. Jim Geraghty and Allahpundit take a look at the latest internals from the FOX poll and the results are surprising.
Update: You must and I mean MUST go read this story from a McCain/Palin rally it will tell you a Lot about what kind of people they are, it touched this ole goat.(Click on the title of the post for full article)
Keeping The Faith: Yes, It’s True - - Sarah Palin Is A (”Gasp!”) Christian
So, as for the religious “scandal” being churned up by the MSNBC/Kos/Huff jackals - - around here, it is an advertisement for Sarah Palin.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
The John McCain I Got to Know - Fred Thompson, The Politico
Stow the Swift Boat Laments - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle
But it didn't end there. The folks at Factcheck.org felt compelled to respond to a flood of falsehoods being spread about Palin. As the organization reported, "She did not demand that books be banned from the Wasilla library."
"She was never a member of the (secessionist) Alaskan Independence Party." And: "Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska's schools." Straight news stories have probed meetings in which Palin, then a rookie mayor, asked Wasilla librarian Mary Ellen Emmons about removing books from the library. Palin never named any specific books. No books were banned. The librarian kept her job. But none of that matters.
In a 2006 gubernatorial debate, Palin said she believed in a "healthy debate" in public schools between creationism and evolution -- and that reasonable view has been contorted into Palin wanting to force her creationist views down others' throats. Actually, it is the side that wants no debate that is intolerant.
Methinks if the media believe in such strict scrutiny of Palin's past, then perhaps reporters might want to look at Obama's association with Bill Ayers, formerly of the bomb-happy radical Weather Underground when Obama was a state legislator. Or is it only permissible to have flirted with your political persuasion's far side only if you are a Democrat?
Yes, Palin was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it. Still, she was against it. And try as they might, Team Obama can't erase the fact that Palin stood up to the good old boys in the Alaskan GOP establishment.
The real smear is the insistence of Camp Obama that Palin is patently inexperienced -- an odd claim coming from a campaign whose candidate began running for the White House two years into his first term as a U.S. senator.
Now maybe Palin will stumble and show the country that she is not ready to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. But the Democrats can't wait for that day, or limit the debate to the issues, because they want so much to destroy this backwoods upstart.
In that spirit, South Carolina Democratic Chairwoman Carol Fowler told Politico.com that Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion." If I were Obama, I'd stow the Swift boat laments.
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The Democrats' Credibility Gap - David Frum, The Week
Democratic-leaning pollster Stan Greenberg has just published a fascinating memo detailing one of the most dangerous of those risks:
Democratic populism is destroying Democratic credibility on national security.
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Obama Can't Win Against Palin, Karl Rove
Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs?
It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
McCain Catches Up to Obama on Issue of the Economy
The economy is rated the top issue by 42 percent of voters and four other issues are bunched up next at 12 or 13 percent - Iraq, energy and gas prices, health care and terrorism. Here's how the candidates fare on those:
- Iraq: Mccain 52, Obama 42.
- Energy and gas prices: McCain 46, Obama 46.
- Health care: Obama 52, McCain 40.
- Terrorism: McCain 55, Obama 38.
McCain Leads in Latest Fox News Poll Thanks to Independents
- McCain now leads Obama 46 percent to 31 percent among independents after being statistically tied with him in August.
- When asked of the four candidates on the presidential tickets who understands best the problems of everyday life in America, Palin polled 33 percent, Obama 32 percent, McCain 17 percent and Biden 10 percent.
- Voters think Obama is a talker more than a doer by 49 percent to 34 percent, while they regard McCain as a doer more than a talker by 54 percent to 30 percent.
- If voters had to ask either Obama or McCain for advice on the toughest decision of their lives, they would go to McCain by a 50 percent to 34 percent margin. They are more evenly split if the choice was between Palin and Biden.
- We don't know quite what to make of this question - which candidate would be "best at surviving on their own" if stranded on a desert island? - but if one of them does end up in that fix, voters far and away believe McCain would do best.
- Thirty-six percent of voters say media coverage of the campaign has been even-handed, an equal number say it has favored Obama and 8 percent said it favored McCain.
- Voters believe 70 percent to 17 percent that Palin made the right choice to run for vice president despite her family situation and the fact that she has young children. Seventy percent said the pregnancy of her 17 year old daughter made no difference to them.
- Voters are evenly divided on who they think will win the election, regardless of who their choice is. That's a sharp contrast to late July when they thought by 51 percent to 27 percent that Obama would win.
The Consequences of Rejecting Hillary
Ohio and Pennsylvania. Republicans figured these states, notably Pennsylvania, were all but goners if Clinton won the Democratic nomination. Even as veep, she'd have had a favorable impact. When she was passed over by Obama, Republicans jumped for joy. Ohio, which a Republican presidential candidate has to win, now leans McCain. Pennsylvania, which is crucial to a Democratic candidate's chances, has become a ripe target of opportunity for McCain.
Arkansas. As a Southern state, Arkansas is inclined to vote Republican in presidential races unless there's a compelling reason not to. One of those reasons: a Clinton on the Democratic ticket. Without Clinton, Arkansas moves into the leaning (strongly) McCain camp.
Vice presidential debate. This is a no-brainer. Who would be the easier opponent for Palin to face in the nationally televised debate on October 2? Clinton or Biden? The tough woman or Senator Windbag? Biden will have to be on his best behavior and treat Palin gingerly. Clinton wouldn't have had to.
Republican women. Mark Penn, chief strategist in the Clinton campaign, once insisted that 25 percent of Republican women were ready to vote for her for president. Many crossed party lines and voted for her in the primaries. Many of those women might have voted for an Obama-Clinton ticket. But how many Republican women are going to reject Palin and vote for an Obama-Biden ticket? Mighty few.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
Biden Says Hillary Clinton Might've Been a Better Pick than Him
Biden is a riot to watch out there on the trail. Is this the new strategy, to say that Obama should've picked Hillary? Do they think that will help assuage the anger of all the Clinton supporters or to snatch back the women voters running away from them? Why would he even say this? It sort of undermines his whole experience argument. If he's not the best pick, then what does that say about Obama's judgment? Or is the Obama camp in such a frenzy that they might try to throw him overboard in favor of Hillary? Lots of reasons to be amazed by this statement.
Here's the video:
Strange days indeed.
The JT and Bear Show 09.07.08
Check out Obamalujah and Red, White, and Blue on Youtube:
Obama on His Heels
Nobody would have predicted this on June 3rd. That was the day Obama boldly stood in the Xcel Energy Center and proclaimed an exciting new moment in American politics. Meanwhile McCain, sweating profusely, stood in front of a green screen and gave a rambling, disjointed speech. The contrast in messages was stark. Three months later, it's just as stark - but now it's Obama that's sweating and McCain that's exciting. What a turnaround.(Click on post title to read article)
Treatment of Palin Stirring a Backlash?
Days after he congratulated her and called her "an admirable person" who "will add a compelling new voice to this campaign," Barack Obama Tuesday called Palin a liar. You know she's hit a nerve when the opposing party's presidential nominee goes after the other party's VP nominee in such raw terms.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
McCain Bounce Has Democrats Off Balance - Wallsten & Hook, LA Times
Washington State: Obama only leads McCain by 4 points!!!
Democrat Barack Obama's once double-digit lead in Washington state is no more, according to this latest SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KING-TV Seattle and KATU-TV Portland Oregon. In an election today, 09/08/08, eight weeks till votes are counted, it's Obama 49%, McCain 45%. Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll 4 weeks ago (before both candidates had named their running mates), Obama is down 2 points; McCain is up 1. Compared to an identical SurveyUSA poll 8 weeks ago, Obama is down 6; McCain is up 6. Obama led by 17 points in June, led by 16 points in July, led 8 points in August, leads 4 points today.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
The Imploding Obama Bubble
Two events firm the Obama-tech stock analogy in my mind. First is Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate. (This may have been the exact Minsky Moment for Obama.) The logic behind the move was that Mr. Change needed to be balanced by Mr. Experience. New Economy Obama acquires Old Economy Biden. It reminds one of the January 2000 purchase of Time Warner by AOL, a combination which turned out to be a synergistic dud. The amateur explainers at Wikipedia got this one spot-on: "The acquisition thus became a symbol of the dot-coms' challenge to "old economy" companies and the old economy's ultimate survival. The revolutionary optimism of the boom faded, and analysts once again recognized the relevance of traditional business thinking."(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)
Psst, CNN Everyone Can See Your Bias
So not only is this at the top of CNN’s website, but so is the Obama campaign’s charge that he’s being swift-boated. This from the campaign that has has a melt-down over the Palin nomination. The campaign that in the last two days has called the McCain/Palin ticket liars and corrupt, because Palin pulled the plug on the ‘Bridge to No Where’. The charge of swift-boating comes from the McCain campaign calling Obama’s ‘lipstick on a pig’ remark sexist. The headline “Palin is target of cyberspace hazing” is rather ironic considering the headline above it is essentially an example of cyberspace hazing.
The media can’t seem to understand why everyone thinks they’re biased. Well here’s a clue, your reporting on inflamatory remarks by celebrities as if they were important news stories; and your stories repeatedly are framed with the slant of the Obama campaign. CNN may not be able to see their own bias, but everyone else can.
70% Of America Think MEDIA IS BIASED - New Rasmussen Poll
And the media STILL doesn't get it. In a new Rasmussen Poll 69% of the public felt that the Media was skewing their coverage to help the candidate that they want to win. 57% say that Barack Obama has received the most favorite treatment.
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Obama's Ex-Spiritual Adviser "Reverend" Homewrecker Wright in a Sex Scandal
As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They're Undone
McCain Campaign Calls Palin Affair 'Vicious Lie, Categorically False'
John McCain's campaign is denying a tabloid report that vice president candidate Sarah Palin had an extramarital affair. "It's a vicious lie," spokesman Steve Schmidt said.
The campaign is considering legal action, the senior adviser added.
The National Enquirer wrote in its edition dated Sept. 15 that Palin had an affair with a business associate of her husband, Todd Palin. He discovered the infidelity and dissolved the business, the article said. It attributed the allegation only to "an enemy" of the Alaska governor.
"The smearing of the Palin family must end," Schmidt said in a statement released Wednesday. "The allegations contained on the cover of the National Enquirer insinuating that Gov. Palin had an extramarital affair are categorically false."
EXCERPT:IF it suddenly seems like the Obama campaign doesn't have any idea what it's doing, maybe that's because it doesn't.
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008 November Lineup: Obama vs. Obama
The Obama campaign doesn't seem to get that it is running against McCain, not Sarah Palin. It spent the entire Republican convention and the week since attacking the vice presidential candidate. That's like stabbing the capillaries not the arteries. Nobody is going to vote for or against McCain because they want Sarah Palin to be vice president of the United States, or don't. But Palin has served, and will serve, a key purpose in illustrating and demonstrating what kind of a man John McCain is. She stands as a tribute to his desire to bring change, his willingness to cut loose from the past and his courage in attempting innovation. No amount of criticism of Palin is going to stop that process.
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From the Gut
Because, while the pollsters tell us it is still really close, my own totally unscientific, seat of the pants poll tells me this: When you say Obama’s name today and ask people for their first impression — a quick, flash, gut, first impression — no single word or phrase or policy comes to mind. His opponents will fill that vacuum if he doesn’t. They already are.
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What Goes Around: Obama Didn’t Mind Using “Phony Outrage” Against Hillary, Did He?
Palin did something that the Obama pod people cannot comprehend - so their response is to go mental: She went after BHO effectively by telling the truth about him. And was funny, to boot.
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Could Clinton Have Palin-Proofed Dems?
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The Bridge To Implosion
For all his talk of transcendence, Barack Obama sure looks like an old-school Chicago, dirty politics dung-flinger these days. This acting out of his tells us everything we need to know about what kind of president he would be.
Faced with his first real surprise test, he tucked his noble ideals between his legs and began, for lack of a better word, lying.
(Click on the title of the post to read the full article)