PUMA in WA will unite together!

PUMA stands for "People United Means Action!" You may know that there is another, more defiant meaning for the acronym P.U.M.A. There will be no unity in the Democratic party until the voices of the 18 million voters who support Hillary Clinton are heard and heeded.

We are motivated to action by our shared belief that the current leadership of the Democratic National Committee has abrogated its responsibility to represent the interests of all democrats in all 50 states. They are misleading our party and aim to mislead our country into nominating an illegitimate candidate for president in 2008. Our goals are fourfold:

1. To support the candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2008 / 2012.

2. To lobby and organize for changes in leadership in the DNC

3. To critique and oppose the misogyny, discrimination, and disinformation in the mainstream media, including mainstream blogs and other outlets of new media

4. To support the efforts of those political figures who have allied themselves with Hillary Clinton and who have demonstrated commitment to our first three goals

DAILY Rasmussen Poll:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama attracting 49% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Brazile-Rove Dangerous Liaisons

In order to "save" the Democratic Party, Brazile resolved back in 2003 that she might have to destroy it first. And who better to help her in this lofty pursuit than her new best friend, the man neoconservatives call "The Architect".

Click here to read the article.


Here's an earlier article that supports the Brazile-Rove connection: “Frustrated Democrat Makes Friends in the G.O.P.”

And consistent with this theme Brazile also participated in the Rovian "Swift boating" of the Clintons as racist. Read the article titled "Donna Brazile Hints Bill Clinton's Obama Attacks Racially Offensive" .

Write a message to Producers and Executives that have allowed Sexism

From the Women's Media Center:

Thank you to everyone on our WMC Action Team who participated in our campaign "Sexism Sells, But We're Not Buying It." Through your efforts, the WMC has generated more than 200,000 views of our "Sexism Sells" video and more than 6,800 signatures for our very first petition campaign! Your efforts are sending a powerful message to media executives that the era when media sexism would be tolerated or seen as a joke is over.

Over the next several weeks, I will be meeting and speaking with the executives responsible for the sexist language and behavior that we exposed through "Sexism Sells." And so I'm asking for your help again. Please take a moment to visit our Web site, the Majority Post, and write us a message to share with the producers and executives who have allowed this behavior to go on for far too long.

Some members of the media, including The New York Times, have tried to dismiss complaints about media sexism as being specific to Hillary Clinton, or not a big deal. But we know that sexism is never about one women. When these comments or jokes are made in the media, they demean all women, and weaken the media which is a crucial part of our democracy.

And when one woman exits the stage, you can bet that the "bad boys" of media will find another target. Already, Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain are feeling the heat of the national media stage. That's why we've launched the new WMC Sexism Watch, an online form where you can help us track instances of media sexism.

As part of the WMC Action Team, we're counting on you. Please bookmark http://www.womensmediacenter.com/sexism_watch.html. When you see something that needs a response, fill out the form and help our staff fight back against media sexism.

Thank you for your support.


Carol Jenkins

PS - We know that you value our fight for women in the media. Please make a donation today to ensure that The Women's Media Center can continue our fight to make women visible and powerful in the media.

About us:
The Women's Media Center strives to make women visible and powerful in the media. From our founding in 2005 by Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem to our advocacy and media relations work today, we are part of a strong feminist tradition that seeks to hold the media accountable for presenting the world as we know it. Our mission is to ensure that women and women's experiences are reflected in the media just as women are present everywhere in the real world; that women are represented as local, national, and global sources for and subjects of the media; and that women media professionals have equal opportunities for employment and advancement. In addition to the WMC founders, current board members include Loreen Arbus, Cristina Azocar, Jodie Evans, Gloria Feldt, Carol Jenkins, Teresa McBride, Pat Mitchell, Jessica Neuwirth, Rossana Rosado, and Helen Zia. For more information, please visit www.womensmediacenter.com.

Memo to team Obama: This baby is far from locked up!


UPDATE: Note that this is very similar to the post on ClintonDems as well as the LA Times article with the same title.

As Obama was having his successful sweep through Iraq, the Middle East and Europe, polling in battleground states showed shifts towards McCain. Memo to team Obama: This baby is far from locked up. In fact, it's going to be a nail biter. Because Senator Obama can travel the world, give speeches with great flair, but when it comes to the American voter, he or she has to understand and relate before Sen. Obama gets the nod.

Obama also faces discontent from some of Hillary Rodham Clinton's most ardent supporters, who are put off by what they describe as a campaign marked by hubris and a style dedicated to televised extravaganzas.

Susie Tompkins Buell, a major Clinton fundraiser, said: "The Clinton supporters that I know are bothered by these rock-star events. These spectacles are more about the candidate than they are about the party and the issues that we care about."

Obama's path to presidency is far from clear


Sen. McCain has picked up support in almost every group in every state, especially among independent voters and men voters. The Republican now leads Obama among independent voters in Michigan and Minnesota. Overall results show:

* Colorado: McCain is up by a nose 46 - 44 percent, compared to a 49 - 44 percent Obama lead June 26;
* Michigan: Obama tops McCain 46 - 42 percent, compared to a 48 - 42 percent lead last time;
* Minnesota: Obama edges ahead 46 - 44 percent, compared to a 54 - 37 percent Obama lead;
* Wisconsin: Obama leads McCain 50 - 39 percent, compared to 52 - 39 percent.

"Sen. Barack Obama's post-primary bubble hasn't burst, but it is leaking a bit. It's been a good month for Sen. John McCain."...

Fox Opinion Dynamics has the national race at Obama 41% - McCain 40%.

The Wall Street Journal poll shows that more people identify with McCain than Obama, by 11%.

Some of Clinton's supporters remain unconvinced. But having an elitist spout off certainly doesn't make the case:

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Clinton fundraiser who lives in New York City, said, "What I think is very important is that he has a problem with his image. He is an aloof candidate. He does not connect with people. He has words, but no ordinary person thinks that he is there for them, and women feel that intensely."

Lynn Forester de Rothschild isn't the spokesperson for the "aloof" argument, that's for sure. Something tells me her main problem is that Obama didn't kiss her ring. Either that or she saw an ambassadorship slip away and is making Obama pay. Every time her mug shows up on TV, I, for one, cringe.

But as I've been saying since Obama clinched the nomination, his non-partisan foundation doesn't make him more accessible, it makes him unreachable, because he becomes impossible to peg. The Berlin speech in front of a massive crowd was delivered masterfully, but with it Obama became more unaccessible, not less. Besides, fact finding missions are meant to be educational, which by that very definition should have less to do with photo ops than gathering knowledge about the people, the regions, and the challenges we are facing, sans fanfare. As of today, I had a hangover from it all. When I saw Obama with Sarkozy the only thing that came to mind was, enough already.

Obama's trip didn't answer a single question for American voters who will continue to ask, What does all this fanfare have to do with me?

Who can solve this problem for a candidate with so many gifts, but who the more he campaigns, the more untouchable, impossible to peg, he seems?

It didn't help that he bugged out on a chance to visit the troops. After an initial statement, an Obama military adviser was sent out to offer more gravitas to the decision. It was mission impossible:

An Obama adviser, Air Force Maj. Gen. Scott Gration (Ret.), later elaborated on Obama's decision to skip the event.

"We learned from the Pentagon last night that the visit would be viewed instead as a campaign event," Gration said. "Sen. Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors (perceived) as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our troops and decided instead not to go."

With due respect, is he kidding? There's not a reason in the world to justify skipping it. To add, but there are plenty on tap today. Hey, but they're not listening to me।



I have always considered myself a "liberal democrat", until now. Sen. Barack Obama does not represent a great many Dems. in his PRESUMPTIVE run for the Presidency. I have watched as he transformed the Presidential Seal into an advertisement for his campaign. I have listened to him dodge issues concerning his allegiance to the American Flag. Finally, I have seen him completely remove the flag from his campaign jet, and replace it with the letter "O", his campaign logo. I do not live in the United States of Barack Obama. While I agree that American needs to improve it's image around the globe, I believe we need to do so within the confines of American Patriotism. Change under the flag, don't dismiss it all together.
I can only assume that Howard Dean has decided to revisit his humiliating experience with the "Dean Scream", by "selecting" a nominee that is already seen as a "riskier" candidate in November. Sen. Obama was "selected" by the Rules and By-Laws Committee on May 31, 2008. Party leaders decided it was acceptable to TAKE four delegates, already awarded to Sen. Clinton, and give them to Sen. Obama. In addition, Obama was given ALL of the uncommitted delegates. Some of which were meant for Edwards etc. How is this any different from the Supreme Court "selecting" George W Bush?
Democracy is fragile. We have begun to accept the fact that we no longer use "fair reflection" in our voting process. One person, one vote is becoming a thing of the past under the Democratic Party Bosses. If we are to preserve Democracy as we know it, we must ALL stand up to Howard Dean and the DNC. We must DEMAND that all voters be heard, and that "we the people" elect the Next President of the United States.

Laura A. Chelton
WA State Organizer for 18 Million Voices
Seattle Wa

The Obama Camapign considers Washington a key battleground state

The following message was sent from Jaxon Ravens of the Washington State Democrats

Dear Xxxxxxx,

I'm writing today to share some exciting news. The Washington State Democrats are teaming up with Barack Obama's Campaign for Change to ensure a big win in November!

Washington State is a key battleground in this election। That's why we're happy to announce the official opening of 17 Campaign for Change offices across Washington State this weekend.... [Click on title for full email]

The Denver Group makes the New York Times

As many have been saying all along, Senator Barack Obama is only the presumed Democratic nominee. And that fact has given heart to some of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s supporters, who are investing tens of thousands of dollars to pressure the party to put her name to a binding vote at the convention next month.

The Denver Group, founded by two political novices who have been frustrated with the treatment of Mrs. Clinton since February, ran full-page ads on Wednesday and two weeks ago in The Chicago Tribune and Congressional Quarterly calling for Mrs. Clinton to be placed “in nomination” in Denver. They contend that because neither candidate has enough elected delegates to claim the nomination, Democratic Party rules call for a process to begin that could result in her name being presented for possible nomination at the convention. ...[Click on heading for full article]